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A wolf in

Sheep's Clothing

One of the main focus areas of the Amsterdam Kliniek has been discovering the relationship between a hidden food sensitivity and common complaints.

It appears that many complaints may actually be caused by a food sensitivity (allergy and intolerance), but are generally not recognized in this way by mainstream medicine.  Even respiratory tract conditions (asthma, hay fever, chronic rhinitis) can be the result of one or more reactions to certain foods and not per definition to something that is inhaled.

The Amsterdam Kliniek is convinced that not recognizing certain complaints has to do with the fact that reactions to a food usually appear over a longer period of time. Unlike a classic allergy where reactions generally appear soon after exposure to something you ear or drink. Whereby the cause becomes immediately clear. Quite often this reaction can be confirmed through a classic allergy test.

However, in the case of a hidden food sensitivity (intolerance), it can possibly take days before a reaction is noticeable. This longer time period masks the cause-and-effect relationship of the food eaten and the reaction to it. The reality is that a classic allergy test is useless in the diagnosing of an intolerance. For this reason, the Amsterdam Kliniek decided many years ago to use the significantly more effective  neutrophile test in diagnosing hidden food sensitivities. For this test a number of vials of blood are drawn, after which a drop of the patient’s blood is mixed with a minute quantity of food concentrate. Next an adapted hematology analyzer (a device which examines blood cells) measures changes in neutrophiles (a specific kind of white blood cell) through direct current and radio wave frequencies. The changes in these neutrophiles can reflect the presence of food intolerances with a great degree of reliability.

I wanted to see if anything could be done about my rare skin condition ichthyosis. With 3 months of dieting behind me and lots of vitamins, I am completely surprised: I feel much more fit and what is truly remarkable is that my skin produces much fewer scales. I am delighted by the careful and pleasant treatment at the Amsterdam Kliniek. Lydia thanks!

Det Matermann, Hall

My complaints fluctuated from enormous fatigue, headaches, facial break-outs, interrupted menstrual cycles, weight gain and dizziness, to constipation. I did a food intolerance test and was given a diet for 3 months. I can say that after 10 years of suffering, all my symptoms are gone. Thank you enormously.

Martine Zoetmulder, Hoofddorp

I was treated by you a few years ago and the diet plus the food supplements have successfully reduced my symptoms of fatigue and allergic reactions. Your food test changed my life. With much thanks.

Nathalie Bardsley, United Kingdom

I can highly recommend Doctor Lydia Boeken and the Amsterdam Kliniek. Back in 1996, out of nowhere I began having anxiety attacks, dizziness and extreme fatigue that became debilitating. My GP couldn’t figure it out, but Dr. Boeken did. She suspected food intolerances and performed a specialized blood test which identified the culprit foods. An elimination diet followed by desensitization treatments greatly reduced my symptoms and in the course of time most of my sensitivities have disappeared. I can eat everything again.

Rudi Goldman, Amsterdam

I am still doing great, was dancing until 4 AM and was only tired the next day. I am consuming everything again and no problems. One strange but good effect of the diet being I am not really interested in over-eating, in fact I find my interest in food not the over-indulgence like it used to be. Sometimes I have to remind myself to eat! Thanks again.

Sandra Guntley, Dordrecht

I am very enthusiastic about the results gained. After only a few months on the diet I noticed such great improvement and now I am convinced I will never ever need to be the hospitalized for my MS again. I actually feel like I am in control.

Joke de Jong, Leusden



Interestingly, allergies and intolerances seem to have increased dramatically over the past couple of centuries, coinciding with the industrial revolution. Not only does our environment suffer greatly (the rain forests are disappearing, the climate is changing and increasing numbers of animal species are becoming extinct), man is also being impacted. There are strong indicators that the immune system is not able to adequately cope with the effects of pollution and thus creates abnormal responses. Not only do these abnormal responses manifest themselves as food sensitivities – they can also appear as inhalant and chemical sensitivity.

Conventional medicine lacks blood tests which show the presence of hidden food sensitivities. This is due to the fact that existing intolerance tests are not 100% reliable and are labeled as “alternative.” There are indeed great differences in reliability among the non-conventional tests. For this reason, the Amsterdam Kliniek, through years of experience, decided to use the neutrophile test because of its higher degree of reliability.

For the most part, conventional medicine seems unaware that the following conditions may be related or caused by a food sensitivity:

• Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME)

• Muscle and Joint Complaints (Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia,  General Pains)

• Gastrointestinal Conditions (Nausea, Heartburn, Gastritis, Bloating, Flatulence, Diarrhoea, Constipation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis)

• Skin Complaints (Itching, Eczema, Acne in Adults, Hives) 

• Migraine and Other Headaches

• Being Overweight 

• Respiratory Conditions (Asthma, Sinusitis, Hay Fever)

• Cardiac Conditions (Palpitations, Skipped Heart Beats)

• Urinary Complaints (Bed Wetting, Frequent Urination)

• Psychological Disorders (Anxiety, Depression, Behavioral Disturbances, Hyperactivity/ADHD, Nervousness, Sleeplessness)

• Neurological Conditions (Dizziness, Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy, Ménière’s Disease, Tinnitus)

• Hypoglycemia

• Premenstrual Syndrome

• Candida

• Other

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